Formal Methods Forumにて、MAUDE 2.0 Primerを輪読中。

fmod AUTHOR is
  protecting STRING .
  sort CatalogCard .
  sorts Name Title PublDate Location .
  subsort String < Name .
  subsort String < Title .
  subsort String < PublDate .
  subsort String < Location .

  op n_t_pd_l_ : Name Title PublDate Location -> CatalogCard [ctor] .
  op author : CatalogCard -> Name .

  eq author(n N:Name t T:Title pd P:PublDate l L:Location) = N:Name .
*** reduce author(n "ken" t "java" pd "2012" l "japan") .

fmod PEANO-NAT is
  sort Nat .
  op 0 : -> Nat [ctor] .
  op s : Nat -> Nat [ctor] .

  sort Nat .
  op 0 : -> Nat [ctor] .
  op s : Nat -> Nat [ctor iter] .
  op _+_ : Nat Nat -> Nat .
  op _-_ : Nat Nat -> Nat .
  vars M N : Nat .
  eq 0 + N = N .
  eq s(M) + N = s(M + N) .
  eq N - 0 = N .
  eq 0 - N = 0 .
  eq s(N) - s(M) = N - M .

  protecting PEANO-NAT-EXTRA .
  op _*_ : Nat Nat -> Nat .
  vars M N : Nat .
  eq N * 0 = 0 .
  eq N * s(M) = N + (N * M) .

*** reduce s^3(0) * s^5(0) .

fmod LIST is
  protecting PEANO-NAT-EXTRA .
  sorts Elt List .
  subsort Nat < Elt < List .
  op nil : -> List [ctor] .
  op __ : List List -> List [ctor assoc id: nil] .

fmod LIST-SIZE is
  protecting LIST .
  protecting PEANO-NAT-EXTRA .

  op size : List -> Nat .
  var E : Elt .
  var L : List .

  eq size(nil) = 0 .
  eq size(E L) = s(size(L)) .

*** reduce size(0 0 0 0) .

fmod CARD-DECK is
  sorts Number Suit Card .
  ops A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J Q K : -> Number [ctor] .
  ops Clubs Diamonds Hearts Spades : -> Suit [ctor] .
  op _of_ : Number Suit -> Card [ctor] .
  op CardNum : Card -> Number .
  op CardSuit : Card -> Suit .
  var N : Number .
  var S : Suit .

  eq CardNum(N of S) = N .
  eq CardSuit(N of S) = S .

fmod NAT-BOOL is
  protecting PEANO-NAT-EXTRA .
  op _<=_ : Nat Nat -> Bool .
  op _>_ : Nat Nat -> Bool .

  vars M N : Nat .

  eq 0 <= N = true .
  eq s(M) <= 0 = false .
  eq s(M) <= s(N) = M <= N .
  eq M > N = not(M <= N) .

  ceq N - M = 0 if M > N .

  protecting STRING . 
  sorts Question Exclamation Interruption . 
  subsorts Question Exclamation < Interruption . 
  op _? : String -> Question [ctor] . 
  op _! : String -> Exclamation [ctor] . 
  op reply : Interruption -> String . 
  var I : Interruption . 
  ceq reply(I) = "Questions after class, please" if (S:String) ? := I . 

  protecting CARD-DECK .
  sort WildCard .
  subsort WildCard < Card .
  var C : Card .
  cmb C : WildCard if CardNum(C) == 8 .

*** Maude> reduce in CRAZY-EIGHTS : 8 of Clubs .
*** reduce in CRAZY-EIGHTS : 8 of Clubs .
*** rewrites: 3 in 0ms cpu (0ms real) (~ rewrites/second)
*** result WildCard: 8 of Clubs
*** Maude> reduce in CRAZY-EIGHTS : 9 of Clubs .
*** reduce in CRAZY-EIGHTS : 9 of Clubs .
*** rewrites: 2 in 0ms cpu (0ms real) (~ rewrites/second)
*** result Card: 9 of Clubs
*** Maude> 

  protecting CARD-DECK .
  sort SuicideKing .
  subsort SuicideKing < Card .
  mb K of Hearts : SuicideKing .

*** Maude> reduce in SUICIDE-KING : K of Hearts .
*** reduce in SUICIDE-KING : K of Hearts .
*** rewrites: 1 in 0ms cpu (0ms real) (~ rewrites/second)
*** result SuicideKing: K of Hearts
*** Maude> reduce in SUICIDE-KING : K of Clubs .
*** reduce in SUICIDE-KING : K of Clubs .
*** rewrites: 0 in 0ms cpu (0ms real) (~ rewrites/second)
*** result Card: K of Clubs
*** Maude> 

fmod CARD-PAIR is
  protecting CARD-DECK .
  sorts Pair PokerPair .
  subsort PokerPair < Pair .
  op <_;_> : Card Card -> Pair [ctor comm] .
  var N : Number .
  var P : Pair .
  cmb P : PokerPair if < N of S:Suit ; N of S':Suit > := P .

*** Maude> reduce in CARD-PAIR : < 8 of Clubs ; 8 of Hearts > .
*** reduce in CARD-PAIR : < 8 of Clubs ; 8 of Hearts > .
*** rewrites: 1 in 0ms cpu (0ms real) (~ rewrites/second)
*** result PokerPair: < 8 of Clubs ; 8 of Hearts >
*** Maude> reduce in CARD-PAIR : < 8 of Clubs ; 9 of Hearts > .
*** reduce in CARD-PAIR : < 8 of Clubs ; 9 of Hearts > .
*** rewrites: 0 in 0ms cpu (0ms real) (~ rewrites/second)
*** result Pair: < 8 of Clubs ; 9 of Hearts >

fmod DOG-RACING is
  protecting DOGS .
  protecting NAT .
  op race : Dog Dog -> Dog .
  op speed : Dog -> Nat .
  vars N M : Dog .
  eq speed(bloodhound) = 20 .
  eq speed(collie) = 25 .

  eq speed(frog) = 5 .
  eq speed(breed(N, M)) = (speed(N) + speed(M)) quo 2 .
  ceq race(N, M) = N if speed(N) > speed(M) .
  eq race(N, M) = M [owise] .