tiny errata of "Categoty Theory 2ED" Steve Awodey

AwodeyのSecond Editionで、本家のerattaに記述されていない

  1. P17 L6 "sets and fuctions." -> "sets and functions."
  2. P67 L-3 "parallel pair of functions f.g:A->B" -> "parallel pair of functions f.g:A->B" ; .ではなく,のはず
  3. P76 In the center vertical arrow of the lower diagram, the name of the arrow is "i:G -> G".
  4. P143 L16 "The solution is a combintion of" -> "The solution is a combination of"
  5. P188 L-2 " Sets,^{C^op}" -> "Sets^{C^op}," ;おそらくTeXのせいでカンマが微妙な位置になってる
  6. P254 L-11 "F:C-><- D:U"のUをボールド -> イタリック体に
  7. P262 L-7 "\bar{\mu}=U_{e}F" -> "\bar{\mu}=U_{eF}" ; Fも添字になる
